Gadsden Manor

Summerville Homes for Sale – Gadsden Manor

Gadsden Manor is an elegant and charming community that truly represents the Summerville area.  There are also large yards and wooded areas that give a nice, rural feel in the city.  On a beautiful day, ducks can be seen waddling near the pond and kids can be seen riding their bikes along the sidewalks.  This is a truly comforting and friendly housing development that residents can enjoy for a long time.  The manor has a beautiful community yard that includes benches and a gazebo.

Gadsden Manor is conveniently less than 15 minutes away from Azalea Square and the main Summerville area, so there is always something to do. Daniel’s Orchard and Doty Park are minutes away to create a tight community.  This subdivision is peaceful and offers privacy while also creating a neighborly atmosphere.  Gadsden Manor is a beautiful community that makes residents feel at home in the city of Summerville.

Homes for Sale in Gadsden Manor, Summerville, South Carolina


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